Somatic Experiencing


Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body-based therapy that helps heal trauma by focusing on how our bodies hold onto the trauma memory. The theory behind SE is that when we experience a traumatic event, our nervous system gets overwhelmed and can’t process all the information. This can lead to feeling “stuck” in the trauma and re-experiencing the event through flashbacks, nightmares, and intrusive thoughts. SE helps to release these implicit memories from the body, which can help to improve symptoms and promote healing. SE is a type of therapy that can benefit anyone who has experienced trauma, regardless of when the trauma occurred. SE can be helpful to people who have experienced single-incident traumas, such as car accidents, attacks, or natural disasters; as well as those who have experienced repeated or complex traumas, such as childhood abuse or neglect, loss, grief, or trauma from combat, to name a few.

SE is an effective treatment for PTSD, anxiety, depression, and other trauma-related disorders. This therapy is a short-term therapy, and the number of sessions needed will depend on the severity of your symptoms and your history of trauma. SE is typically done in individual sessions, but it can also be done with groups or familes. This therapy uses various techniques to help release the trauma from our bodies, which can include gentle touch, mindful movements, and learning to allow your body to completely metabolize or release stuck energy. Utilizing these techniques helps restore the nervous system to equilibrium and will enable individuals to metabolize the trauma.

The benefits of SE for clients include:

Things Special About Somatic Experiencing:

My Counseling Process


I believe that we all possess the ability to heal ourselves, and it is my job to help facilitate that healing. I practice Individual, Couple, and Family therapy. For couples and families, my colleague and I offer Integrated Collaborative Therapy.


I collaborate with clients to support their emotional resilience and well-being. We do this by focusing on embodying emotions, which leads to healing and improves cognitive, emotional, and behavioral outcomes.


I am constantly learning and growing as a therapist to provide the best possible support for my clients. I find great reward in being able to help others heal and flourish in their lives. It’s incredibly gratifying to help support all of my client’s journeys toward emotional health and to see them realize their capacity to heal.
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